An anniversary is such a perfect reason to be happy, to have fun and celebrate, to focus on the good parts of life (at least for one day)... So yes, I love anniversaries, starting with mine, of course. :P
Last Friday we celebrated our company's 13th anniversary with the annual garden party. I am really starting to love this garden party thingy because it gives me the chance to dress fancy, but not pretentious. The location was my number one reason to be excited because I love horses so much and this equestrian club was the perfect choice for the event. I took turns walking around and dancing in my pretty Zara dress and then changing into jeans and snickers for the horseback riding. I can't even begin to tell you how happy I was while riding the horsey. I got to pet him, talk to him (he is not so chatty though, hi hi :P) and kiss him at the end... So I pretty much made a new friend. ^_^
Have a great Sunday lovelies and enjoy the pretty pictures ♡
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