My Inspiration: Grace Kelly

Yesterday I found this silly test on the internet: Which style icon are you most like?? Before you jump into conclusions, here is something you should know about me, I take quizzes when I am (extremely) bored. :D
Now this one wasn't a total waste of time since the result was really cute, apparently I got Grace Kelly.
Were you expecting anything else? 
So obviously, I felt really inspired and I decided to brag share the results. Here is what they say: Ah, the classic beauty. You likely identify with similar icons like Audrey Hepburn, Elizabeth Taylor, and Kate Middleton. A crisp shirt-dress and pair of Keds is your summer uniform, and you’re probably on a sailboat as we speak... But of course I am, I'm writing this blog from he middle of the sea. :))
The truth is, this silly quiz got it right. How can I not be inspired by such beauty? Not only I think Grace Kelly is absolutely gorgeous and classy, she has an impeccable style. I absolutely adore her elegance and her gracefulness. Let's not forget she was a princess... And I'm pretty sure I was suppose to be one too... Somebody should fix this. :))

So here is my vision of a flawless style 
